FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions about AA & Alcoholism

what is aa

This organizational structure has been tremendously successful for AA and its more than two million members. Annually, AA continues to increase its number of chapters around the https://ecosoberhouse.com/ world and currently has more than 123,000 groups. Through AA we have learned a number of things about alcoholism and about ourselves.

Sobriety in AA: When drinking is no longer a party

Sobriety coins, also known as sobriety chips, are tokens given to members of AA to signify the duration of their sobriety. While the chip system is common, it is not universally adopted across all AA groups. In recent years, online meetings have become popular, allowing members to connect virtually through platforms like Zoom and What’s App. This pamphlet answers many of Substance abuse the common questions people have about alcoholism and A.A.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

It is up to the members of each group to decide what they do. However, the AA program of recovery has proved to be so successful that almost every group follows it in very similar ways. Put simply, none of us have found a way to stay sober on our own. Helping each other and newcomers helps us stay sober. When you look around at your first meeting, consider that every person you see had to walk into their first meeting when they were getting started. We know exactly how you feel, and we had the help of people who were already A.A.

what is aa

About Alcoholism

what is aa

Its operations follow an “inverted pyramid” structure, allowing local groups significant autonomy. AA what is aa does not accept external funding or contributions. Anyone may attend open meetings of A.A. These usually consist of talks by a leader and two or three speakers who share experience as it relates to their alcoholism and their recovery in A.A. Some meetings are held for the specific purpose of informing the nonalcoholic public about A.A.

  • While AA emphasizes personal anonymity, many notable individuals have publicly acknowledged their participation in the program for various lengths of time.
  • Concept is that alcoholics are sick people who can recover if they follow a simple program that has proved successful for more than two million people.
  • There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

We have learned that we must live without it to live normal, happy lives.

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